Fire engines are big, red, loud — and numbered for easy tracking.
All fire service vehicles are referred to as “apparatus” that differ based on their function. A fire engine, sometimes called a “pumper,” can do three jobs: pump, transport firefighters and carry hose. Originally, “engine” referred exclusively to “pump”, the important tool for getting water to a fire. Today, “fire engines” are those vehicles of the fire department that pump water. The term “truck” is reserved for other types of vehicles, usually having one or more ladders.
Fire and Emergency Equipment
This is the “first run” pumper. It holds 1000 gallons of water. Manufactured by KME it was purchased new in 2001.
#31 is the first engine to leave the firehouse when there is a fire.
This 1992 Pierce is the “second run” pumper. It is the back-up for the 1st run pumper.
#10 holds 750-800 gallons of water.
Purchased new in 2017, this is the EMS/Rescue truck. #67 is equipped with air packs, jaws-of-life, cutters, spreaders, backboards, CPR and AED equipment. All firefighters must be certified in CPR and basic first aid. We are lucky to have many state trained and certified EMS personnel in our department.
This is a tanker on a Peterbilt chassis. #50 holds 2000 gallons of water and has been part of the fleet since 2005.
This is an extra EMS vehicle that is a bit smaller than a full sized rescue truck. Ours is a Ford Explorer and has CPR, AED, and trauma equipment on board. This truck is also used for going down fire lanes that the larger EMS truck can’t navigate.
This is an off-road vehicle which is used for off-road fires or EMS rescues. It has a pump and a 75 gallon water tank as well as EMS equipment including a backboard and Stokes basket used for transporting injured victims. We purchased this equipment in 2011.
Volunteer fire departments answer all kinds of calls: house fires, barn fires, brush fires, forest fires, car fires, HAZMAT situations– but did you know that we have more calls in response to EMS situations such as car accidents or medical emergencies than fires? As the population of the community ages, the ability of our firefighters to be first responders is critical. We can never have too many qualified people in our ranks.
Fire Safety!
Fire Prevention Week occurs every year on the week which contains October 9th. It begins on Sunday and runs through the next Saturday. Fire Prevention Week commemorates the devastating Great Chicago Fire which began on October 8, 1871. Fire Prevention Week is the perfect time to review and practice your family's escape plan. The No. 1 rule if a fire happens in your home: Get out, stay out and call for help. Never go back inside for anyone or anything. Call the fire department from outside your home.
Every dollar helps! Funds we raise are used for education and training, equipment, equipment maintenance, protective clothing, breathing apparatus, EMS supplies and much more!