Q: Where do I get an application for becoming a volunteer firefighter?

A: At the Lyndonville Joint Fire District building 148 N Main St, Lyndonville NY.
Any Tuesday night from 7-9PM (except holidays). There is always someone there who can answer questions about the volunteer program, what to expect and how to apply.

Q: Do I have to pay out of pocket for my training?

A: The fire department covers the basic training course costs for volunteer firefighters and EMT’s.

Q: What are the various levels of firefighting?

  • Interior firefighter
  • Exterior firefighter
  • Apparatus operator
  • Incident commander
  • Fire training instructor

Here is a link to a list of NY State certifications for firefighters.
You can also discuss these with any firefighter at the fire hall on Tuesday nights from 7-9 PM (except holidays)

Q: Are there non-firefighting volunteer opportunities?

A. Yes, use this link to our VOLUNTEER page for information on how to volunteer.

Q.: What are “Fire Police”

A1: The fire chief has the authority to assign any firefighter as ‘police’ during a fire or emergency. Fire police generally direct traffic around an incident scene and set up any necessary road blocks. In NY, there is a volunteer fire police organization.

A2. All Fire Police are required to successfully complete the twenty-two (22) hour New York State Fire Police Training Course and FEMA Incident Command System courses ICS-100 and ICS-700. Details can be obtained at the fire hall.

Q: What are the education requirements to be a firefighter?

A: You must have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma.

Q: Are there any other requirements?

A: See the Orleans County EMO (emergency management office) guidelines for becoming a firefighter.

Q: How old do you must be to join the Junior Firefighters??

A: 16 years old

Q: What kind of training to Junior Firefighters receive?

A: Junior Firefighters train along with the regular firefighters.

Q: How many vehicles do you have?

A: We have 6 vehicles and a small boat. Details can be found here (link to equipment page?)

Q: Can any firefighter drive a fire truck?

A: You must be 21 to drive a truck, have a valid driver’s license, and have achieved a certain level of training.

Q: Is the fire department open to the public?

A: Yes, the fire department is open Tuesday nights from 7-9 PM (except holidays)

Q; Where can I find more information about what a firefighter does?

A1: At the fire hall on Tuesdays from 7-9 PM

A2: Here is a link to Orleans County Department of Emergency Management job specifications for various jobs including firefighter. Each fire department can best describe the job at their local department.


Volunteer fire departments answer all kinds of calls: house fires, barn fires, brush fires, forest fires, car fires, HAZMAT situations– but did you know that we have more calls in response to EMS situations such as car accidents or medical emergencies than fires? As the population of the community ages, the ability of our firefighters to be first responders is critical. We can never have too many qualified people in our ranks.

Fire Safety!

Fire Prevention Week occurs every year on the week which contains October 9th. It begins on Sunday and runs through the next Saturday. Fire Prevention Week commemorates the devastating Great Chicago Fire which began on October 8, 1871. Fire Prevention Week is the perfect time to review and practice your family's escape plan. The No. 1 rule if a fire happens in your home: Get out, stay out and call for help. Never go back inside for anyone or anything. Call the fire department from outside your home.


Every dollar helps! Funds we raise are used for education and training, equipment, equipment maintenance, protective clothing, breathing apparatus, EMS supplies and much more!